Chris Southerland
"Church & Discipline"
Monday July 14th - 9:30-11:30am
Chris Southerland was born hearing and became deaf at the age of one year old.
He is married to a great beautiful woman for 24 years. Sherri has birthed five children, and one is in Heaven due to miscarriage. Their names are Alisha, Caleb, Azariah, Johannah (in Heaven), Zechariah.
Pastor Southerland has answered the call into a full-time ministry since 1997. During his studies at Tennessee Temple University 2001-2003 he later answered the call to reach the deaf full time. Currently he is pastoring a deaf church of Newark, Delaware.
During the past 30 years, great opportunities were provided by God involving preaching, teaching, counseling, mentoring, college level classes taught, leading mission group, revival meetings, and pastoring.
Pastor Southerland is actively involved with the Roman Roads of the deaf sharing the gospel at Deaf expo when there is an opportunity. -
Todd Stinson
“Church & Mental Health”
Monday July 14th - 1:15pm
Todd Stinson is a Deaf Pastor who founded and has led the Deaf Ministry at Northeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, for the past 13 years.
He has been involved in various Deaf ministries for the past 23 years and continues to trust in Jesus and His almighty work to expand His kingdom at Northeast Christian and its partnered with Fairdale Christian and Shively Christian.
In addition to his pastoral role, Todd has the resources with mental health for the Deaf community.
Todd has been married to Amber for 16 years and they have three children: Maureen (28), Mae (25), and Parker (14). He has three grandchildren. Amber is a speech-language pathologist at Norton Children’s Autism Center and a founder of East Louisville Speech Therapy.
Their two daughters are married to Troy and Matt. Parker is a freshman at Christian Academy of Louisville.
Todd’s most touched verse is James 3:13-18, “True Wisdom.”
Bo Sherill
“Disaster Relief“
Tuesday July 15th - 9:30-11:30am
Nathan Burleson
“Church and Sex Abuse”
Tuesday July 15th - 1:15pm
Nathan A. Burleson, a native of Arkansas, is a passionate advocate for youth outreach ministry, dedicated to sharing the gospel at Deaf and Hard of Hearing Christian summer camps. He seeks to support the growth of Deaf churches and ministries by providing resources on MinistrySafe and summer camp programs. Drawing from experience as an intranet manager and computer support specialist, Nathan combines technical expertise with a heart for ministry, using both to create meaningful connections and equip others for service.
Aric Randolph
“Church & LGBTQ”
Wednesday July 16th-9:30-11:30am